Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have been thinking about my grandmother lately
You would have loved her
First of all
She was a real lady and
so beautiful

I really love this photo of her
Interesting how they used color to touch up photos 
back in the day..
I remember spending many nights at her house
when I was a child

I loved gazing into her linen closet
So many lacy tablecloths and
other beautiful, vintage linens
And her costume jewelry
What dazzling eye candy that was..

How about you-
what do you remember most
about your grandma?

I am linking this post to:
Sepia Saturday
for more interesting photos please click on the following link:


  1. One gma died before I was born, the other I saw a few times as a child, but mental illness took over, so my stories of grandma are a little more zany humorous side in her later years, i remember walking into her home with my mom when I was in Jr High and her saying "what the hell did you do to your hair?" as I bleached my bangs. haha

    Love the pics of your grandma, and the linen closet memories :)

  2. Your grandmother is so beautiful! This must be a treasured photo to you. My mom's mother died before I was born. Her dad died when I was about 10 My father's mom is the only grandmother I really remember. She was short and very nice but I was just 11 when she passed away. Her husband died when I was three but I have no memory of him. Children today seem to have so many grandparents and great-grandparents as folks tend to live longer.

    You have a very lovely blog here. Looking forward to perusing more of your posts :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

  3. What a pretty face. I too have photos that have been been hand-coloured in this way. I even remember how it was done!

  4. What I remember the most is her kindness and her hospitality. She died when I was still young, I didn't get to know her very well unfortunately.

  5. I love the look of hand-colored photos. I wish I could do that and have it turn out so nice.

  6. I'm afraid I don't remember either of my grandmothers other than a vague recollection of a old lady dressed in black. We have no photos of them at all.

  7. Guess I better give my grandkids a pinch next time I see them so they will have something to remember me by. Not that my grandmother's pinched me. One lived until I was 26 and the other until I was 35. What I remember is that I wish I'd sat with them and talked about their lives more. Even once!!

  8. So interesting because I spent last evening scanning old photos of my paternal grandparents, all photos that belong to an uncle. I am so enjoying so them when they were young having only briefly known each when I was very young.

    This is a wonderful photo.
